Coronavirus Perspective from São Paulo Brazil
Brazil was the second country to surpass 1 million COVID-19 cases. Our caseload is second only to the US and we haven’t flattened the curve.
Coronavirus Perspective from Macedonia
My girlfriend and I were skiing when we heard about COVID-19. It was January, it was only in China, and we didn’t think it would impact us.
Perspective from the Philippines
I was introduced to Razorhorse in 2019. Life is better now. I can work from anywhere, even my terrace. I see all my daughter's important milestones. She's 2 years old and starting to talk...
Perspective from Kyiv, Ukraine
I’ve been working full time as a freelancer since 2016, and joined Razorhorse in late 2017. So, quarantine hasn’t radically changed my work. In fact, remote work has been better for my health...
Perspective from Hyderabad
I took a job with Razorhorse, and started preparing to work in their virtual workforce model from different countries...
Fox vs Snail
With the impacts of COVID-19 rippling through financial markets, it looks like Foxes (strong growth and profit) do fare better in downturns than Snails. The median decline for our Snails...